It’s that time of year when the world is filled with child-like wonder. Many of us are captivated by the magic of the holidays. It is also, however, that time of year when we feel overextended. Between long hours in our classrooms and at school events to our personal, holiday commitments, we are tired, short on patience, and for some of us…our filter is faulty.
And it’s really this time of year when we need to put extra love in our hearts. Many times, the kids who push our patience the most are the ones who are most in need of our care and concern. While many of us are run down from our long workdays, family events, shopping trips, long nights in the kitchen, whatever it may be; for countless kids and adults, the holidays are a reminder of what might have been.
More often than not, the holidays serve as a reminder of loved ones who are no longer able or willing to be in our lives. This pain overshadows the sparkle and shine of a happy holiday. For others, the struggle to make ends meet can lead to stress and sadness over not being where they want to be in life. For some children, home is a place of turmoil; home is not the place where they find peace, love, joy, and belonging.
So, when we feel broken down by our busy schedules and as our tired hands reach for that donut…and as we beat ourselves up for the calories consumed and the errands undone, remember this:
There is much in public education that we do not control. But there is plenty that we do. We have the opportunity to make these last few weeks magical for students. We have the opportunity to make our schools a place of total support and deep understanding for both kids and adults.
That extra smile, hug, handshake, phone call, one-on-one conversation, they matter. Everyone is fighting a battle. Many battles will go unseen. But while their battles are unseen, let’s make sure people feel seen, heard, and special.
You matter. Your work matters. Your attitude matters. Your heart matters. IT ALL MATTERS.
Don’t forget to bring that simple magic into your classroom and school until the second we part ways for a well-deserved break. Every. single. minute. matters.
Let’s create the kind of magic that will make kids ecstatic to return after the New Year.