Adobe Spark – A FREE Creative Tool for Students and Teachers

Digital Storytelling

Get those creative juices flowing! Adobe released FREE software for creating videos, graphics, and web stories. Watch the video below to see how easy it is to create a blog graphic. Once you’ve mastered it, try a Video or Web Story!

Step by Step:

  1. Log in (or create an account) at Adobe Spark:
  2. Click the yellow + sign to start a project
  3. Click Post
  4. Type what will be the text for the graphic
  5. On the bottom of the screen, select a graphic size
  6. Click more sizes to see Blog Post
  7. Click on different Design Filters to see the impact on your graphic
  8. Click Palette to change the color scheme used
  9. Click Background and try different backgrounds to see the impact
  10. Click the Color Tab and see what choosing a color does for you (click Apply for removing the photo)
  11. Click back to Photo
  12. Click Add Photo
  13. Click Find Photos to search Adobe’s photo library
  14. Type a search term
  15. Click on the photo you like
  16. Click Text and play with different options
  17. Once finished click Share above your graphic
  18. Click Download
  19. Now, you can use your graphic anywhere!

Check out these great resources:

  1. Adobe Spark for Educators
  2. PD: Creativity and Digital Storytelling with Adobe Spark

NOTE: Adobe Spark is very easy to use but is restricted for students under 13 years of age. Adobe advises creating a generic account for use in the classroom that students would use with teacher supervision for students under the age of 13. They are actively working to find a solution to the 13U restriction.