Sunday Spark: What’s your legacy?

There’s something common about those of us in the education space; we want to make a difference. Our noble cause sometimes fades into the background over time for a variety of reasons ranging from mandates others are convinced will improve the lives of students to managing the day-to-day. How can we revitalize our sense of purpose? What mark are we leaving on the world? 

Take a moment, clear your mind, and think about your future. How does it feel? How does it look? Can you describe it? Try some of the exercises below to bring your focus back to being purposeful about pursuing your future.

Draw Your Future

Write Your Elevator Pitch


Write a letter to your future self at What will you say? What will you have accomplished in five years? Ten years?

Contributing to making our world a better place through my actions drives me. I believe deeply in the human spirit and feel our collective contributions make a mark and shape the future; I want to do my part.